Current Projects

  • Source Water Protection Plan - the source water protection plan is complete.  Implementation of the recommendations in the Plan is ongoing.  The betonite seal has been installed on Well # 2 and fences will be installed around both wells in early 2024.
  • Pavenham Well Assessment -   A new pump will be installed and installation work for the new treatment system is underway.

  • Ordano Reservoir Booster Pump Station
  •   Construction complete, deficiency list being resolved as part of the warranty, ownership transferred to Cowichan Bay Waterworks District - May 19, 2022.
  •  Latecomer Agreement in effect for the majority of parcels above the 74 m elevation in Pressure Zone 2.
  • Latecomer Agreement map available in Bylaw 347 [page 103] and on the Customer Service tab [under "Development/Subdivision"].
  •   Provides increased water flow for fire fighting protection purposes
  •   Enables those waiting for water service to connect
  •   Provides improved water quality

Engineering Specifications

A review of the Engineering Specificatins is ongoing to modernize and update the existing specifications.  One of the goals is to be consistent, as much as possible, with adjacent jurisdictions and to recognize evolving housing needs, such as stata developments.


2023/24 Capital Upgrade Plan - Cowichan Bay Village water main replacement between Botwood and Hecate Park.

These projects were identified as a high priority in the Master Plan in order to improve fire flow. Stand by for updates as to construction details.

  • Cowichan Bay Rd - Glen to Longwood - Complete
  • Wessex Rd - Complete
  • Wilmot Rd - Pritchard to Cow Bay Rd - Complete
  • Village water main - Botwood to Hecate Park - TBA
  • New Well - In Progress


Valleyview Wells - the pump flow rate has been increased for the first time in many years to accommodate population growth and increased summer water use.  A spare pump and valve have been purchased and are stored at Pavenham Station in preparation for the worst case scenario.

Valleyview Sewage Permit Application - Cowichan Bay Waterworks is working with the owners of the mall on their application to increase sewage output and reduce the quality of the discharge.  CBWD is concerned about the potential impact upon our drinking water wells.  The owners prepared a hydrogeological report for the sewage permit application.  Copies of the Valleyview Hydrogeological report and the CBWD review of that report are listed under the Documents and Reports tab [Thurber Report, Elanco Report, Western Water Review of Elanco Report].  Western Water Hydrogeologists reviewed the application and provided additional comments to the Trustees. The report is under the Documents and Reports tab.  Resident concerns regarding the sewage permit application can be forwarded to the Minister of Environment - .


New Engineering Specifications and Service Plan Map and Engineering Model

With the transition of engineering consultant services to MeElhanney, some upgrades are underway:

  • Engineering Specifications - The document is being updated and modernized with the goal of being consistent with specs across the region [cost effective and efficient and consistency].
  • Engineering Model -  The engineering model had not been updated for quite some time and the  McElhanney team is updating the model in preparation for future development applications as sewer untis are released and to plan for future capital upgrades.
  • Service Plan map - The current map is not up to date and has significant errors.  The McElhanney team will update and create a more user friendly version for all to use.